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About Me

Thank you!

I know that your time is valuable, and I appreciate you taking the time to learn a bit more about me. I hope that you have found my website to be informative and that your interest is thoroughly piqued!

Here are a few more facts about me that you may find interesting. This page focuses primarily on the sales and customer success motions motions I’ve managed, my leadership style, personas I’ve managed and my software proficiency.

B2B SaaS Motions Managed:


Leadership Style

Radical Candor:

I have always cared personally for those I work closely with. I like to teach and naturally gravitated towards mentorship. Eventually, I learned to challenge directly. Philosophically, I feel that it’s a responsibility to share feedback (especially difficult feedback) that will help my team members develop professional skills and grow their careers.

Extreme Ownership:

Extreme Ownership is all about taking complete ownership over the successes and/or failures of your team. Orienting yourself this way focuses you on diagnosing and solving problems. It also raises the expectation of those on your team.

Software Proficiency